Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Altercation + the market

Today's outfit was especially mommylike so I "forgot" to take a photo.

The exciting part of today was when we went to lunch and watched a fight occur right in the middle of a really busy roundabout! This rickshaw-wallah had smacked into the back of this guy's car, and they both got out to look at the damage. Then the punching started! I only got one punch on video, though.

No rickshaw-wallahs were seriously harmed in the taking of this film.

Then we had to cross that damned road. I though the trick would be to have someone in bright pink lead the way, but A was squealing too much, so HE boldly led the way, in yellow a la Cory Aquino. We elicited an even higher amount of honking than usual (drivers here honk their horns every 2 seconds).

Anyway, after a grueling day at work, where I fulfilled my daily quota of 1 annoying meeting and 1 weeping student (not at the same time), we went to market. We first stopped at the hilltop estate of a lady we knew from last year, and her place was a freaking jungle. I wish I'd taken a picture of everyone's bright shalwar kameez peeking through the lush greens -- it would've been a beautiful shot.

She had a white cat in her home, which we knew was domesticated because her fur was clean and lustrous, she wasn't skittish, and she allowed Z to pick her up without a fuss. In fact, she was passed out in Z's arms. We clamored for one of her kittens (well, Z wanted the cat itself) and Shaheena (hilltop estate lady) promised to look into it.

Then -- the market! Nurse S has all the pictures. It was HUGE. Of course, all the sellers were men, and they weren't shy about gathering in a crowd to stare at us. Mama and Mark, remember where you always went to get arowana? The place was like that, only 1000 times bigger. The funniest part was when Z announced that she needed to go to the bathroom and everyone went, "Ooof," with uh-oh looks on their faces. Z ended up going to a nearby hotel.

I didn't buy anything but the others got fruits and veggies. Then we went home and I went on the treadmill and ate some dinner (like a combo tinola + arroz caldo) and passed out.

Tomorrow's Thursday! Last day of work! Woo woo!

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